path vasystem/api/v2/routes.proto
package vasystem.api.v2
The ListRoutesRequest message defines the request parameters for the ListRoutes method.
Name | Type | Description |
airline_id | string | Filter by airline. Example: `01gevxx0g090m0a78xmvhtfre4` |
departure_icao | string | Filter by departure airport. Example: `KJFK` |
arrival_icao | string | Filter by arrival airport. Example: `YSSY` |
icao_flight_number | string | Filter by the flight number. This does not include the airline code. Example: `1234` |
include_archived | bool | Whether to include archived routes. Defaults to false. |
page_size | uint64 | The maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100. Maximum is 1000. |
page_token | string | The next_page_token value returned from a previous List request, if any. If used, all other parameters must match the call that provided the token. |
The ListRoutesResponse message defines the response parameters for the ListRoutes method.
Name | Type | Description |
routes | repeated Route | The list of routes. |
next_page_token | string | The next_page_token value to include in a subsequent List request. When paginating, all other parameters provided to List must match the call that provided the page token. When this field is empty, there are no more results. However, if the field is non-empty, there may not be any more results on the next page. |
A Route represents a regularly scheduled flight between two airports.
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier for the route. |
airline | Airline | The airline that operates this route. |
icao_flight_number | string | This does not include the airline code. Example: `1234` |
departure | Airport | The departure airport. |
arrival | Airport | The arrival airport. |
departure_time | TimeOfDay | The departure time is in UTC. |
arrival_time | TimeOfDay | The arrival time is in UTC. |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration of this flight. This field is purely provided for convenience and can also be calculated from the departure and arrival times. |
days_flown | repeated DayOfWeek | The days of the week that this flight operates. |
aircraft_models | repeated AircraftModel | The aircraft models that operate this route. |
archived | bool | Whether this route is archived. An archived route cannot be booked by pilots. |
Retrieve route information.
Method | ListRoutes |
Request | ListRoutesRequest |
Response | ListRoutesResponse |
Description | List routes. This is a paginated endpoint. |